Bizarre Beliefs Held by Celebrities

Fran Drescher as The Nanny | Image: Sony Pictures Entertainment

One pitfall of becoming rich and famous is that sometimes one becomes surrounded with people who only tell them what they want to hear. The hard, cold truth goes out the window, and the "whatever you says" become more and more plentiful as their star (and bank account number) rises. That phenomenon may, at least partially, account for the following celebrities who hold bizarre beliefs about a variety of topics, from catastrophic events to the U.S. government to the universe. 

One example is Fran Drescher, best known for the television show The Nanny and small, comedic roles in films such as This is Spinal Tap. To quote the linked article, 

"The Nanny star Fran Drescher is convinced that she was abducted by aliens. In fact, she explains in an interview on The Huffington Post that she met her then-husband Peter Marc Jacobson because of aliens:  

'You know, it’s funny because Peter (Fran’s ex-husband) and I both saw [aliens] before we knew each other, doing the same thing, driving on the road with our dads. We were both in junior high. A few years later, we met, and we realized that we had the same experience. I think that somehow we were programmed to meet. We both have this scar. It’s the exact same scar on the exact same spot.'

Her husband was less convinced, believing that her scar was more likely from an accident with a drill bit or from burning herself with hot coffee. But she was insistent when talking to HuffPost: 'I said to him, that’s what the aliens programmed us to think. But really, that’s where the chip is.'

Drescher isn’t the only celebrity with alien abduction claims. Rocker Sammy Hagar said in a 2011 MTV interview:

'It was real. [Aliens] were plugged into me. It was a download situation. This was long before computers or any kind of wireless. There weren’t even wireless telephones. Looking back now, it was like, F—k, they downloaded something into me!' Or they uploaded something from my brain, like an experiment. See what this guy knows. [ . . . ] Another thing happened when I was about four that I didn’t put into the book. One time I saw what I considered to be, well, at the time I thought it was a car with no wheels. We lived out in the country and I saw this thing floating across a field, creating this big dust storm. I threw rocks at it ands—t. And I don’t know what happened after that.'"

Read more bizarre celebrity beliefs  from singer/songwriter Ke$ha's theory on her haunted vagina to Dan Aykroyd's thoughts on UFOs — in this article.

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