When I was a young boy, I felt proud when I could get a stone to skip twice. That's nothing compared to what Kurt "Mountain Man" Steiner can do. For Steiner, stone skipping isn't just a casual activity to do while passing by a lake. For for more than a decade, he's carefully collected the best skipping stones and practiced constantly, refining his already world-class technique.
Steiner has secured Guinness World Records for stone skipping in the past by once attaining 40 confirmed skips. He has since more than doubled that number. Here he is getting the top title again 2 years ago with a full 88 skips. According to Guinness World Records:
He has collected more than 10,000 "quality rocks" and has sorted each according to its type, to prepare for the best possible throw. He looks for stones "that weigh between 3 - 8 ounces... that are very smooth (they don't have to be perfectly round), flat bottoms and are between 1/4 - 5/16th of an inch thick."
-via Gizmodo
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