Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Francis Bacon and Johannes Kepler | Image: Goose friend
I'm sure that the vast majority of people reading this would answer in the affirmative if asked whether they could pass a short quiz consisting of basic science questions. Some might even say they would get a perfect score.
This science quiz by the Pew Research Center will put your knowledge to the test. Take the quiz and then give their link page a read; it has a full analysis of how Americans scored, what demographics fared best, etc. Via Gizmodo
Comments (10)
Nitpick: One of the questions was about a pseudoscience.
I feel OK with my answers, because refraction, etc. was never a strong suit for me, so the fact that that I got the magnifying glass one wrong is a fair reflection (hah) of my weakness there.
How to read a graph on the other hand, is quite useful and important. I've seen some very well taught low level science courses that aren't really trying to get students to memorize facts, even if they are discussed, but instead trying to teach how to read science material and visuals.