New York resident Jake Katz is getting married. He planned a four-day Labor Day weekend trip with the guys to Chicago as a bachelor party. But because of weather and cancelled flights, only one made it to Chicago that day: Robbie Chernow. He was in Chicago by himself. What to do? He proceeded to go to all the planned events by himself, documenting the trip on Instagram under the hashtag #chicagoforone.
Chernow went to a Bears game, the Hancock Tower, the Navy Pier, and all the places the group were going to visit together, with pictures to prove it. He found the people of Chicago very sympathetic to his plight. Then his Instagram feed went viral, and Chernow’s adventures really stepped up as folks all around the country cheered him on. Friday night, groom Jake Katz finally showed up, and the two are making the most of a two-day bachelor party for two in Chicago. However, he’s still taking pictures of his lonely self to keep the meme going. Read the story at Buzzfeed and see more pictures at Chernow’s Instagram feed.
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