The auction website eBay launched on September 3, 1995. It’s hard the believe the auction site has been around that long, but there was a time I bought used Disney movies on VHS through the site, so it must be so. Some auctions fetch more attention than others. Do you recall these?
A suit of armor for a guinea pig fetched $1,150 in 2013. The creator promised that the tiny hand-made suit (and matching helmet) would keep a “guinea pig protected and secure in all situations.”
Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s tie, which he wore when he confessed to smoking crack at a 2013 news conference, sold for $1,445 in 2015. The so-called “crack tie” featured logos of several NFL teams.
Those items are part of a list of The 20 Weirdest Things Ever Sold on eBay. You'll be scratching your head at some of the other things that have been auctioned off over eBay’s first twenty years.
(Image credit: Steven Arnold)
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