Fashion Trend: Tiny Fedoras for Man Buns

I’ve found my new look.

The fashion design industry—at least for men—might as well close up shop now. The task of making men look awesome has now been perfected. It’s simple, really: get yourself a man bun. Put a little fedora on it. Then go and nail that job interview or first date.

The Capitol Hill Seattle Blog says that this is new style in the trendier parts of the already trendy Capitol Hill neighborhood. And as Seattle goes, so goes the world.

-via Boing Boing

I'd be inclined to put little sunglasses on the bun; make it look like Cousin It and I were conjoined twins joined at the YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

Or add some googly eyes and antenna that are only visible when the hat is taken off. Or embed a glass eye in the bun, part the hair so that it's just barely peeking out...
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If the world goes as Capitol Hill has, prepare yourself for homeless heroin addicted street thugs, out of control drunks, prostitutes, gun violence, assaults and meth users using your stoop as a toilet. And rainbow crosswalks.
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UGH! PEOPLE! That's not a fedora! That's a trilby. The thing everyone hates now is called a trilby. A Fedora has a wide brim (Think Indiana Jones) Trilbies have a small brim. Floppy brim = Fedora Tiny brim = Trilby. *sigh* is it really THAT hard?
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