There have been a few news stories out of the UK that have Americans scratching their heads. This is news? We are used to British newspaper websites being full of stories that would never make the papers here, but lately stories are published that are silly even by British standards. It’s the Silly Season, in which Parliament is on vacation, so there are fewer government news stories to fill space.
07:50 cow with garden chair stuck on head, Mounts & Wellingborough crew attended, cow self released #Boughton
— NorthantsFire (@northantsfire) August 28, 2015
The above story made the BBC. A rogue lawn chair attacked a cow at a farm near Boughton, Northamptonshire. You can clearly see the chair has the cow subdued in a headlock. By the time the Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service arrived, the cow had freed itself from the chair. Thank goodness! -via Metafilter
Then there was the case of two wheelbarrow planters that had been tipped over in Henley on Thames.
Caroline Langler, a member of the Henley in Bloom committee, who had planted up the two barrows, said: “Obviously it’s annoying someone has knocked it over because I had enormous pleasure doing them both.
“When I was doing them people were stopping to ask about them and telling me how wonderful they were. People really appreciate them.” Mrs Langler, of Queen Street, said she was just thankful the barrow wasn’t pushed into the road.
The story has a happy ending, as Langler picked up the wheelbarrows and replanted them. Whew, that was a close one. -via Arbroath
Can you find a story out of the UK that beats these two?
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