Black Lab Makes the Discovery Necessary to Bust Jared Fogle

A two-year-old black Labrador retriever named Bear is the hero technically responsible for the arrest of Subway spokesman Jared Fogle for possession of illegal pornography, according to NBC News.

The first search of Fogle's house turned up nothing, though a number of evidence trails led authorities to believe that he possessed illegal materials. At that time, the police brought Bear into the search. The lab, one of only five in the U.S. trained to do so, is able to sniff out electronic data devices. Bear found Fogle's hidden flash drive, and Fogle was subsequently arrested.

Bear's trainer Todd Jordan said, 

"Much the way other dogs can pick up the scent of a fugitive or a cache of cocaine, Bear can smell the components of electronic media, even a micro-card as small as a fingernail that a suspect could easily hide. Labs are the best on this. They’ll do anything to please their owner.”

Read more on this story at NBC News

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