(Photo: Emily Andrews/New York Times)
Anastasia Garvey is a model and actress. When she needs to relax, she goes to a spa that offers a unique service: cryotherapy. This means that she stands in a tank that blasts her with jets of air cooled to -260ºF.* After three minutes, she emerges, feeling refreshed. The New York Times describes the experience:
It only lasts three minutes, plus time to warm up again on a stationary bike, but it costs $90 a session, she said. She goes three times a week.
“The first time I did it I couldn’t remember my name,” she said. “You’re in a freezer. You’re so cold you can’t think of anything.”
$90 is a lot of money! I could probably make a cheaper version with a conventional freezer and underbid the competition.
-via Marginal Revolution
*The article does not actually say Fahrenheit. That's just a guess on my part. It could be Celsius.
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