Wizards and gorillas have a long history of hatred towards one another another, dating back to the first time a wizard tried to use a mind control spell on a gorilla in order to steal his bananas.
So when a self-proclaimed wizard named Andrew Wright paid a visit to the Orana Wildlife Park in Christchurch, New Zealand all he had to do to rekindle the flames of animosity is chant and beat on his chest like a gorilla.
The Orana gorilla was so incensed by his disrespectful display that he charged at the glass and got into mage attack mode.
But Andrew insisted he was “healing” the gorilla with his display so he didn't stop, prompting Orana Park officials to kick Andrew out and ban him for life.
The real Wizard of Christchurch had this to say about Andrew's shameful display:
“We don’t normally go out and beat our chests in front of gorilla cages,” The Wizard says. “It’s not the normal behaviour of wizards. You wouldn’t get merit points for that.”
-Via Dangerous Minds
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