How to Get 86% More Burrito for Free At Chipotle

If you love getting the most bang for your buck when you go out to eat, you'll want to discover this great Chipotle hack to get you 86% more buritto for free. Best of all, the process is pretty easy -just order a bowl with a double tortilla wrap on the side, then order half and half with the beans, rice and meats, and be sure to add the fajita veggies and corn salsa on top. Voila!

Via That's Nerdalicious

One of the many things I learned in grad school instead of doing proper work, was that if you want a huge Chipotle burrito, go to a Chipotle staffed by college students (although to be fair, the managers probably contributed too). The two near campus had employees that just didn't care about the proportions, and would put so much on you would sometimes need a second tortilla, and 2-3 wrappers to wrap it up. It was actually unusual for me the first time I went to one somewhere else, and they got it all to fit in a single wrapper.
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A bit off topic: The Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine, CA is a justifiable tourist destination. Besides being able to mix and match from all of the above, the food is prepared perfectly and you are never cheated on portions or ingredients.
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