Sesame Street lasted a long time. It even survived the collapse of civilization. But it was a very different place. Come and play. Everything's A-OK. Friendly neighbors there. That's where we meet. Just keep singing that song. Pretend that nothing has changed and you'll feel a lot better. Try to not make eye contact with the new residents, though.
Jenn of EPBOT recently attended the Tampa Bay Comic-Con. These three road warriors did, too. You can see more photos of them and other cosplayers here.
UPDATE 8/21/15: Commenter Kitty Sullivan identifies as the fierce Elmo hunter. You can see more photos of Kitty and her friends at Wizards of Cos.
Comments (4)
Thank you for the feedback. I am the Elmo huntress in that photo. The other Wizards and I are so glad you like our work. Please check out our Facebook page to see more of our cosplay creations.