In a project that was based on Esther Honig's the year before, a doctor's service based in the U.K. sent the photo above to graphic designers in eighteen different countries. The designers were given the instruction to Photoshop the images to make them appeal to the citizens of their countries.
Unlike Honig's project that only dealt with head shots, these body shots put the focus on the figures most desirable by region. While neither study is scientific, they do lend insight into the beauty standards among the sampled cultures. See the results from all 18 countries here.
Via BuzzFeed | Original Image: Hugo Felix/Shutterstock via Online Doctor
-application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection
-to apply oneself; endeavor
-to consider, as something to be achieved or devised
I could go on. Using study in this context is meant "to consider or reflect." Notice how I said in the article it was not scientific.