Lewis and Clark discovered all kinds of things on their journey across America- the giant Pacific Ocean that even the native people hadn’t noticed before, the very first McDonald’s location, and about $.75 in change that had fallen out of some guy’s pocket.
But they went on their Expedition to do more than discover stuff, and one of their most important jobs was to sketch the wildlife they saw along the way.
Now, for the first time possibly ever (but probably not the first time) the wildlife sketches Lewis and Clark drew during that fateful journey can be seen on an informational website called Clickhole.
It’s too bad the mighty butt chinned beaver is now extinct, but people needed stands for their cigars so it was bye bye beaver and hello butt chin cigar stands!
Lewis And Clark's Sketches Of The Animals They Encountered On Their Journey Will Blow You Away
Comments (5)
by non-entities
It's an adolescent joke, like something doodled on the back of a teenager's notebook, or scrawled across a bathroom wall. I did like the aesthetic of the stacked cows. The rest was just piffle, including the joke.