When Orlando's television station Fox 35 aired a story about Kylie Jenner getting a pet rabbit, which she named Bruce, anchorman John Brown walked off the set in mid-report and proceeded to go on an anti-Kardashian rant. Offscreen he could be heard exclaming loudly,
“It’s a non-story! We’re talking about this family every freaking day on this show! Nobody cares about this family anymore! It’s enough! It’s Friday! I want to have a good Friday! I don’t want to talk about the Kardashians!”
Poor Brown. I can only imagine what it's like to be forced to talk about the Kardashians regularly (or, as he puts it, "daily") as a condition of employment.
Comments (5)
Funny where the radio woman asked "what if your daughter named her pet after you?" as if that suddenly made it relevant and controversial.