Asparagus Water

Somewhere in L.A., Whole Foods executives are laughing at all of us.

A photo posted by Marielle Wakim (@marielle.m.n.o.p) on Aug 3, 2015 at 8:03am PDT

I thought buying bottled water at the grocery store was crazy, but this product takes marketing to a whole new level. At least the name is accurate: it certainly contains asparagus and water. That’s it. For $5.99 a bottle. But it was only available at Whole Foods for a limited time, because oops.

Contacted by The Hollywood Reporter, a representative for Whole Foods' Los Angeles region explains: "There's been some miscommunication around this product. It was meant to be water with the essence of vegetables and/or mushrooms to be used as broth (similar to a bone broth), which are typically made over a long period of time soaking in water."

"The product was made incorrectly and has since been removed from the one store, Brentwood, where it was carried," the rep continues. "We would love your help clarifying that this product is not available and was removed from the Brentwood store as soon as this issue was brought to our attention."

You might get the idea that Whole Foods is just pushing the envelope to see what people will buy. If you want real asparagus water (although I don’t understand why anyone would), you open a can of asparagus and pour the water out. -via reddit

(Image credit: Marielle Wakim)

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Funny thing is that Whole Foods has that aura where you go in and you expect to see this sort of product and must be really good for you and I should get it.
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