Sometimes it’s hard to teach kids their ABCs and make the lesson stick, since they have a hard time remembering all 26 letters of the alphabet much less the rest of that cute little song.
Kids need something to help them visualize each letter, imprinting it in their minds for life, and what better way to leave a permanent mark than with a bit of terror?
David Lynch created the perfect video tool for teaching your kids the ABCs back in 1968, the appropriately entitled experimental film The Alphabet.
Blending surreal animation with nightmarish visuals and a “catchy soundtrack” that features the sound of David Lynch’s daughter crying, The Alphabet is a visualization of a time when Lynch's wife's niece "was having a bad dream one night and was saying the alphabet in her sleep in a tormented way."
Looks like she was learning her ABCs the Lynch way- through her nightmares!
-Via reddit