Jeremy Husted has his house rigged with security cameras. That’s the only way to catch a moment like this. He said he occasionally forgets he has cats. Contains NSFW language.
In the comments at reddit, we get some advice on a device that will train your cats to stay off the kitchen counters. Continue reading if you want to see how well it works, but do not watch if you have liquid in your mouth.
It’s called Ssscat® Spray Deterrent. Watch it in action in this video first.Then if you can handle it, here’s a compilation.
I hope those kitties learned their lesson without too much trauma. Putting it in a certain place is a training method, but randomly trolling your cat with it is cruel.
We've four cats - and have given up trying to keep them off the worktops. We just wipe down carefully before we cook. The youngest particularly likes to play in the sink. Right now he's sitting under a dribbling tap negotiation with The Squid about who gets to use the tap.