22 Clever Tool Hacks

Tools are created with specific jobs in mind, which is why you wouldn’t try to saw a brick in half with a drill or hammer a screw into place, but when you think outside the toolbox you find many more ways to put those tools to work.

Looking to shorten a bolt and leave a clean edge?:

“If you need to shorten a bolt, let your drill do the hard work. Spin two nuts onto the bolt, tightening them against each other. Then chuck the bolt into the drill and hold a hacksaw blade against the spinning bolt. The nuts help to steady the blade and clean off burrs when you unscrew them.”

Need to cut a length of PVC pipe which is already mounted? Use a string to slice that pipe while it stays in place. Does driving hooks into wood hurt your hands? Drive 'em in with a wrench, and save your mitts for a future career in hand modeling!

These super handy tips and many more can be found in The Family Handyman article 22 Clever New Uses For Your Tools, which both amateur and veteran builders are sure to find informative.


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