The Hitler Trollface And Other Photos Banned By The Nazis

The Nazis were incredibly thorough when it came to whitewashing their public image, and any images that cast them in a humorous, ridiculous or strangely sexy(?) light were simply not allowed.

Meanwhile, Hitler and the Nazis tried to live normal lives, carrying on like normal folks and occasionally cheesing it up for the camera.

These fun photos were the bane of the Nazi’s propaganda department, and they were strictly verboten by Der Fuhrer himself even though he seemed to be enjoying himself while he posed for the pics.

Vintage Everyday has put together a collection of The Secret Photographs Adolf Hitler Wanted to Ban from the World Forever, which includes this sinister moment:

-Via Dangerous Minds

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Every single time that I hear, read, see or think anything about Adolf Hitler, I start thinking that Hitler is a poster child for abortion and birth control. I really wish that his dad had worn a condom or that Hitler's mother had either miscarried or aborted him because that would have saved millions of human lives.
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That top photo looks like he must have used it with his profile.

"Likes: Annexing other countries, walks on the beaches of countries I've annexed.

"Dislikes: Churchill, Roosevelt"
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