Villa Pisani labyrinth, Stra, Italy | Image: DesignCurial
The terms "maze" and "labyrinth," while often used interchangeably, have slightly different meanings. The pathways of a maze are designed with the purpose to confuse and challenge those who enter. Though exceptions exist, for the most part, labyrinths are simpler, with single pathways intended for use in meditation or pondering while walking through. John W. Rhodes, the former president of the Labyrinth Society, explained to Outdoor Magazine,
“A maze is designed for you to lose yourself and a labyrinth is designed for you to find yourself."
This wonderful article at Quartz elaborates on London-based Design Curial's selections of the "most beautiful and iconic mazes in the world, uncovering some of the more exotic and unexplored labyrinths.” Follow the link and add them to your list of places to visit.