Radcliffe as Receptionist

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When a higher-up at the Nylon magazine offices asked Daniel Radcliffe if he would "fill in" for their receptionist for an hour, the actor good naturedly accepted. He soon learned that working at the front desk was not his calling, nor was it a line of work he's interested in mastering. A Nylon employee wrote the following about Radcliffe's shift:

"Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that there was a man sitting at the desk. I turned my head, and, to my delight, I realized that... it was Daniel Radcliffe sitting at the front desk. Yes, that Daniel Radcliffe. Confused and more than a bit dazed, I stared for a moment before accepting this fact and returning to my desk.

Staring at my computer screen, I thought: That was strange. Was I supposed to say something? Should I say something? Probably not. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another sight. It was an intern, crying. My peripheral vision was not failing me that day. They were tears of shock and, I think, joy. I looked around and I saw a lot of smiling, blushed faces. They had all "happened" to walk by the lobby. And while some of them engaged with the actor, some of them chose to play it cool and freak out later.

I received no phone calls during that hour, which was strange. And a package that was supposedly delivered to the office for me never made it to my desk. As I started to track down the aforementioned package, I heard a squeal. Apparently Joe Jonas had come into the office, to surprise Daniel and try to resume his job."

NSFW, as Daniel uses profanity in the clip.

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