Fight Traffic Ticket with Grammar!

Andrea Cammalleri of Middletown, Ohio, fought the law ... with a comma and the comma won!

Cammalleri got a traffic ticket back in 2014 in the village of West Jefferso when she parked her pickup truck in a zone that prohibited parking there for longer than 24 hours. The Ohio woman pointed out that the law stated that the types of car that couldn't be parked included "motor vehicle camper" not "motor vehicle, camper" so her pickup truck clearly didn't qualify.

The town's attorney argued that the law's meaning was clear in context, but the judge ruled for Cammalleri. Score 1 for grammar!

So the next time someone said to you that grammar doesn't matter, tell 'em that you can use it to fight traffic tickets!

Image: Grammar Police by SteveOramA

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