The Sushirrito Is A Combination of the World's Best Foods

Sushi is fantastic, but it's awfully hard to eat on the go. On the other hand burritos are marvelous, but they can feel a little heavy. So why not combine the portability of a classic burrito with the fresh offerings of a tasty sushi roll.

Right now Sushirrito is only open in the Bay Area, but I for one can't wait until they are everywhere!

Via Incredible Things

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These are a lot wider than the average sushi roll and while I used a picture of the most sushi-ish one, there are some that look way more like burritos thanks to the fillings.
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that's exactly what it is. i used to bring my own homemade uncut sushi rolls to work. it's great as long as you can put up with all the jokes being made about what it looks like you're doing while eating it. hint-the term BBC came up a lot.
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