This is the Hypnap Body Rest. It's a device designed to allow airline passengers to sleep while crammed into tiny, uncomfortable seats. Clamp it over the folding table, then lean forward. The cushions on the face and chest boards provide support without inhibiting breathing. You can also use a smartphone because the face hole doesn't cover your eyes.
Do you think that it would help you sleep while flying?
-via David Thompson
this was another episode of plane wars. stay tuned for our next episode ;)
Having lunch at the desk, one can lower their head into the padded headrest, and with the aid of a straw, simply inhale/absorb their chosen munchies, while copping a brief nap at the same time.
20 minutes later they could awaken, well fed, well rested, and perform their duties to the satisfaction of all. I know that I would. Please vote for this item as obligatory when next you attend a meeting..irrespective of where you are.