Archive for June 19th, 2015

This Gadget Is Designed to Help You Sleep on a Plane

This is the Hypnap Body Rest. It's a device designed to allow airline passengers to sleep while crammed into tiny, uncomfortable seats. Clamp it over the folding table, then lean forward. The cushions on...

Stop Playing Games and Pet Me!

[] (YouTube link)Alexander Fredriksen enjoys relaxing at home and watching TV or playing video games. But his cat Nala (previously at Neatorama) sees him lying on the couch as an opportunity f...

The Best Dad Quotes on Twitter

Jimmy Fallon, the host of The Tonight Show, asked fans to tweet out their favorite lines by their fathers using the hashtag #DadQuotes. Fallon's staff rounded up the best for the show, including these gems.I've...

Crikey! Artist Turns Pothole into Crocodile Pond

A month ago, a water pipe burst and damaged a street in Bangalore, India. Frustrated that the authorities did nothing to fix the 12-foot-wide pothole, artist Baadal Nanjundaswamy decided to take matters into his...

Little Girl Has the Best Reaction to Acrobatic Plane Tricks

[](Video Link)Leá, a little girl in Quebec, went on her first airplane ride. Her father is a skilled pilot with a small plane, so he took her on loops and spins. Little L...

Urban Explorer Discovers Sad Remains Of Soviet Space Shuttle Program

The Soviet Buran space shuttle program came to a grinding halt when the Iron Curtain fell in the early 90s, and as a new era of Russian freedom began another era came to a close.The Buran came to represent the Soviet spa...

Chinese Fire Drill Is Incredibly Intense

(Photos: Xinhua/Fan Jun)In the United States, school fire drills are so universal that there's almost no need for training: when the alarm sounds, file out of the building, assemble in an open area, then wait for the fir...

How the Saharan Silver Ants Survive Temperatures Up to 158 Degrees Fahrenheit

Photo: Norman Nan Shi and Nanfang Yu It's 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70°C) outside and that's just fine for the Saharan silver ants. But how do the ants, which as its name suggests, live in...

A Guy And His Real Doll Bride...It's A Beautiful Thing?!?

These days it’s not uncommon to see people proudly flying their freak flags, because society in general is more accepting of practices and lifestyles that used to be considered deviant.And yet those who have embrac...

5 Father's Day Cards You Should NOT Send To Your Dad

Father's Day is almost here, and if you're on a mission to find that perfect Father's Day card, here are some cards that you should NOT send. From the brilliant minds behind Shoebox, take a look at 12 Rejected Fa...

Construction Workers Play Whac-a-Mole

Life is an arcade. If you're lucky, you're the guy with the mallet instead of a mole.These construction workers enjoy a moment of downtime in the best way possible. Go for bonus points![

Bananas Banned for Boat Festival

Just ahead of annual the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Traditional Boat Festival, the Scottish town of Portsoy has banned bananas. No bananas are allowed in town until the festival is over.Banana ba...

Incredible Weightlifter Does a Split While Lifting a Barbell over His Head

[](Video Link)This guy is amazing! Jon Call calls himself an "anabolic acrobat." He's a completely ripped mound of muscle who is as flexible as a ballet dancer. In this video, h...

This Slippery Floor Warning Sign Looks Like a Banana Peel

Now that's a useful AND ap-peel-ing sign! That's the Banana Cone, a bright yellow "Caution Wet Floor" sign that warns passers-by of slippery floor. Surely you've seen such a sign before, but this...

Artist Brilliantly Transforms Disney's Animal Characters Into Humans

Even though their princesses are extremely popular Disney is best known for their animal characters, which makes sense considering Mickey Mouse is their most famous character.Disney feature films include an animal charac...

Scooby-Doo through the Ages

The original Scooby Doo show aired from 1969-1971 and was a product of its time. We've seen reboots, remakes, and special episodes in every decade since it first aired. London-based artist Julia Wytrazek imagine...

The Fur Will Fly In Jurassic Kitten

When the Hollywood powers that be inevitably decide to reboot and reimagine the Jurassic Park franchise they should consider ditching those dumb old dinosaurs and replacing them with mega sized cats instead.As soon as ca...

Totally Terrifying Prehistoric Sea Monsters

There are a lot of people who are scared of sharks, but if we traveled back 1.5 million years, we'd find a monster that would terrify the biggest, baddest of sharks -the megalodon. And believe it or not, the megalod...

Cat Survives Two Months Trapped in Futon

Moosie the cat was always a survivor. He was rescued from a wall at three weeks of age after his mother died. Two years later, his family, Kymberly and Jesse Chelf, moved from El Paso, Texas, to Fairbanks, Alaska -and th...

Killer - Machetes And Hockey Masks Make The Man

Killer by Max58Some slashers have style, some have a way with words and a talent for frightening their prey before they go in for the kill, but Jason doesn't need all that. His style screams classic slasher, and instead...

Explore The Dark Future With These 30 Sci-Fi T-Shirts (And You Can Win One Too!)

Science fiction films and television shows run the technological and emotional gamut, from uplifting and full of far out tech to dismally post-apocalyptic, but there's always darkness surrounding the stars. Those who en...

An Epic History of the Movie Trailer

As far back as 120 years ago, filmed advertisements entered movie theaters -because theaters needed all the film they could get. In the early 20th century, “trailers” were tagged into the ends of serials to p...

150 Years Ago Today: The First Juneteenth

(Photo via Pairie View A&M University)Today, June 19th, is the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth, the day that slavery ended in Texas. Celebrating it is an old tradition among black Texans and an emerging one a...

Jaws 40th Anniversary Tribute

Saturday is the 40th anniversary of the release of the movie that would become the first summer blockbuster and make Steven Spielberg into a star: Jaws. It emptied the beaches and ruled the theaters in 1975. If...

Artist Illustrates Funny, Colorful Alternatives to the "F-Word"

Artist's Suggested Alternate to "Oh, F*ck"New York-based graphic design student Sneha Keshav, in looking to reduce her frequent use of the "F-word," is working on a project in which she creates alterna...

14 Facts about Parasites

This video about parasites might make your skin scrawl, but if that’s what you’re into, who am I to judge? Besides, you’ll probably never have any of the parasites described here. If you have had one in...

No, Don't Open It, You Fools!

(Pain Train/Mark Pain)Why did you read the comments?! We all warned you! Now they're all exposed to the world, with no hope for any of us. Why, the comments in this post alone demonstrate that!webcomic,...

Samsung's Safety Trucks Let Drivers Behind See the Road Ahead

[] In countries with a lot of one-lane streets, overtaking slow-moving trucks can be downright hazardous. Samsung, in this advertising collaboration with Leo Burnett/Buenos Aire...

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