The Running of the Goats

The tiny goats of Sunflower Farm Creamery, who we last saw wearing pajamas, are now warm enough to get out and frolic.

(YouTube link)

The kids are named Annabelle, Elton, Cecilia, Delilah, Brooklyn, Jagger, Iggy, Adele, Sassafrass, Bessie, Gemini, Yukon, Ella, Denali, Louis, Sherlock, Watson, Rhubarb, Monty, Winifred, Maria-Cristina, Pedro, Smudge, Buttercup, Duncan, Tully, Rigby, Gus, Clive, Otis, Charlotte, and Harper. I couldn’t even count them, much less keep up with that many names! Here you see them take a run with the humans while their goat moms take a dinner break. They will soon be sold as pets or milking goats. -via the Presurfer

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There's a landowner down the road from us that keeps a herd of goats on some prime commercial/residential land. Pays low taxes on agricultural property. He's sitting on a "gold mine" of course, and some day will probably sell it for huge $$$.
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