Scientist Proposes to His Girlfriend in the Notes of a Journal Article

(Image: Julius T. Csotonyi/Royal Tyrrell Museum)

This may be a risky proposal approach, as it assumes that someone other than the editor and peer reviewers will actually read the article--especially the notes. But for paleontologist Caleb M. Brown of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alberta, it was completely successful. Lorna O'Brien said yes!

Brown's article in Current Biology was about the dinosaur Regaliceratops peterhewsi, of which an artist rendering is pictured above. Here's Brown's smooth move in the acknowledgements portion:

Retraction Watch reports that the editors of Current Biology were aware of the proposal (as one would hope). This is the first time that the publication has printed such a romantic overture.

-via BuzzFeed

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I would assume that the author would be very proud to show off the publication to his SO, and there would be nothing unusual about saying, "Oh, you're mentioned in the acknowledgments."
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I found it even more odd that a scientific journal named Cell Biology would accept a paper on dinosaur paleontology, given that most dinosaur fossils are just rocky sediments. Surely it would not contain cells or even fossil outlines of cells. Most specialist journals do not even have editors competent to review papers outside their narrow field.
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