Are you tired of seeing your reflection in the mirror yet find yourself unable to remove all the mirrors in your house because you’re afraid you’ll cease to exist?
Maybe it’s time to have a different kind of mirror validate your existence, one that doesn’t reveal the ravages of time yet still proves that you are still alive.
“PomPom Mirror” by artist Daniel Rozin can fulfill your fantasies of being anonymized yet still registers your reflection as if by magic, the cream colored puffballs turning black as if to mock your awkward motions.
Here’s how this creepy yet cuddly mirror works its magic:
Rozin’s anthropomorphic “PomPom Mirror” features a synchronized array of 928 spherical faux fur puffs. Organized into a three-dimensional grid of beige and black, the sculpture is controlled by hundreds of motors that build silhouettes of viewers using computer-vision. Along its surface, figures appear as fluffy animal-like representations within the picture plane, which is made permeable by a ‘push-pull’ forward and backward motion of meshed ‘pixels’. Ghostly traces fade and emerge, as the motorized composition hums in unified movement, seemingly alive and breathing as a body of its own.
-Via Colossal
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