Parkour Madman Jumps From Balcony To Balcony 43 Stories Above Ground

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There are many different degrees of what people refer to as Parkour- some of it involves jumping around and over stuff in the city, other stunts involve taking things a bit higher and jumping across rooftops a few stories above ground.

(YouTube Link)

This video takes the idea of parkour to the extreme, as madman and Instagram user olegcricket jumps from balcony to balcony 43 stories above ground.

As someone who once had a crippling fear of heights I can tell you this video made me feel a bit nauseous, how did you fare while watching this brief yet nerve-wracking video?

-Via The Daily What

Comments (7)

Absolutely insane. One little spot of dust, moisture, or flake of paint anywhere, and he's gone. Some people just can't conceive of how easily they could be killed by mundane trivialities, but the base jumper casualty stats say otherwise.
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I think once these guys cross the line from feats of skill to tempting death, it's kind of cheating anyway. In some ways it's easier to demonstrate how stupid you can be, rather than your skill in a reasonably controlled situation. This guys disregard for not only himself but other innocent bystanders he may affect (emotionally or physically) is shameful.
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You know what i think? What we see is not always the truth.... at least there is always an explanation, what if this guy is firmly attached to some kind of wire from above ?? It's fully possible and reasonable....
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