He Lost 425 Pounds

Yes, this is the same guy in all the pictures. A couple of years ago, Ronnie Brower weighed 675 pounds. His doctor told him he wouldn’t live long like that -he might not even make it to age thirty. Brower took that seriously. He gave up drinking and pills, went on a diet, and worked out. Boy, did he work out! With the help of trainers, he has lost 425 pounds!

(YouTube link)

Brower is a big Taylor Swift fan, and played her music during his workouts for inspiration. His friend Joe Bufano is taking him to a Taylor Swift concert next month, and made this video in hopes that she will meet him then. -via Viral Viral Videos

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Thanks, Edward, and, yes, Miss C, I dropped more than 100 a few years ago. It's very difficult issue - medical imaging is advanced enough to know the same parts of some people's brains light up from high-fat, high-carb food the way they do with cocaine. I don't say that as an excuse for me or anyone. The point is that some people have a REALLY difficult time with this stuff, and it's not always the same struggle for one person as it is for another. And OMG...keeping it off is brutal.
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Lothar, take pride in that you only had 100 pounds to lose. This guy abused himself to get that heavy. I went from 36% body fat to 19% a decade ago. I appreciate your accomplishment.
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