Bocat vs. Coyote on the Bike Trail

We’ve seen lots of videos of confrontations between cats and dogs. This is one of those videos on steroids. It turns out pretty much as you'd expect. Juan Cholo was riding his bike through River Legacy Park in Arlington, Texas, and encountered a bobcat and a coyote, who were busy encountering each other. Neither animal cared a bit that humans were watching. People must be just part of the background to them, not a bit helpful, dangerous, or tasty.

(YouTube link)

Commenters on YouTube talk about seeing such critters as they jog through the park. The joke is that it’s an encouragement to run faster and further. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

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As another laid-off guy, I hope the robots are taken out of the blue collar force and made CEO's. This bullshit would never have happened without greedy human error. The robot revolt ( and ours, as well ) should start at the top !
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