Aaron Rouse of Adelaide, Australia, was feeding his python Winston a rat held with a pair of salad tongs. The snake decided he wanted all of it- including the tongs. Rouse tried to pull the tongs out, but Winston would not let go. Before you know it, the tongs were completely inside! Rouse took Winston to the veterinary department at Adelaide University where Dr. Oliver Funnell decided to perform surgery.
"With reptiles you have to make an incision between the scales and we just made it over the big end [of the tongs] because that was further away from some of the vital organs like the heart and the lungs," he explained.
"The clip was at the other end so these tongs would have been trying to expand the whole time, which would have been quite uncomfortable.
The surgery was a success and Winston is expected to recover completely. -via Buzzfeed
(Image credit: Adelaide University)
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