Does This Teen Have The World's Longest Tongue?

Our bodies come in all shapes, sizes and shades of skin color, and every human body is totally unique with its own unique set of strengths, weaknesses and quirks.

We all know someone who is double jointed, extremely strong, super hairy or perpetually skinny, but do you know anyone who can lick their own eyeball?

(YouTube Link)

Eighteen year old Adrianne Lewis can, and she thinks she might be a contender for the title of world’s largest tongue, since hers measures in at an incredible four inches long.

Adrianne says there have been many long-tongued folks in her family, including her grandmother and great grandfather, and yet the world record keepers at Guinness won't return her calls.

Maybe this video created by Barcroft TV will help them change their minds, and Adrianne can make her world record tongue official.

-Via The Daily What

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