Pranksters Plant Tree in the Middle of a Baseball Diamond

(Photo: Evan Margerum)

Franklin High School in Franklin, Ohio now has a very eco-friendly ballpark. On one recent night, someone planted a 25-foot tall tree right between the home plate and the pitcher’s mound. The city government arranged for its removal.

Michael Sander, the school district superintendent, isn’t laughing at the joke. He says that if police are able to find out who is responsible, he’ll bill them for the cost of removing the tree.

-via AP

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Here they are being jerks, because they know it will cost money to remove and fix the hole. But I've seen other high schools where the class planted a tree in a reasonable place, either in a line of other trees, or over a bench, etc. Although that hasn't stopped some of those cases being considered crimes still, because someone insists the tree needs to be removed for no reason other than "because."
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