Amusement Park Ride Simulates the Experience of Being Cremated

(Unrelated photo by Katpatuka)

What's it like to be trapped inside a coffin as it rolls into a crematorium at a funeral home? Now you can find out! Or, at least, you can get a sense of it. It's called the Samadhi Game, which can be found the Window of the World, an amusement park in Shenzhen, China. For a charge of about $40, participants can be locked inside a coffin, then blasted with hot air. The Belfast Telegraph reports:

Once inside, players are then blasted by hot air (up to 40C) and light to create an “authentic experience of burning,” according to its creators, Huange Weiping and Ding Rui.

When the “burning” is over, volunteers see a womb projected on the ceiling and must crawl until they reach a large, white padded area – supposedly representing a womb – where they are “reborn”.

-via Weird Universe

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Reminds me of the scene in the movie Scrooged starring Bill Murray where the ghost of christmas future showed him his and he joked that he was in Disneyland. Then it frightened him by having him experience his future cremation as if he was alive during it.
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