Archive for May 6th, 2015

Funny Hashtag of the Day: The Academic Novel

The Untenured Adjunct Fellowship of the Ring. #AcademicNovel— Popehat (@Popehat) May 6, 2015 Ah, academia! Where, as they say, the fights are so vicious because the consequences are so low. On Wednesday, Twitte...

Cat Bed Inspired by Super Mario Bros. Chain Chomp Monster

Cat furniture company CatastrophiCreations makes all kinds of unconventional home furnishings for felines, but their latest one takes the cake. Fans of video games are going to love this, it's a cat bed*/str...

If the Avengers Used Social Media

Old style: getting angry, logging into Twitter, then saying something regrettable.New style: hulking out, logging into Twitter, then smashing your keyboard.If the Avengers used social media, what would they use? Captain...

Fox Pups Steal Dog's Ball for Playtime

[]YouTube LinkWhen this Washington D.C. resident's motion sensor on his nighttime security lights was triggered, he went to investigate. He found these adorable fox pups who d...

If Disney Movies Were Anime

Aurora from Sleeping Beauty would look like this:Andrew Peña of BuzzFeed altered images of Disney princesses and other animated characters to show what they would look like if they had been drawn...

The Verminator - I'll Be Back For My Walking Houseplant

The Verminator by Prime PremneThe Verminator had come to our time from a dark future ruled by robots, and like a total tree hugging terminator he'd come to kill the computer brain before the Net could take over the plan...

How to Make Snart (Snail Art)

Lindsay of Filth Wizardy, a kids crafting site, explains the finer points of making art with ordinary snails and (presumably, non-toxic) food coloring. After wrangling snails from your yard, it seems you ca...

Woman Poses for Series of Herself Taken Before and After 150-Pound Weight Loss

Canadian photographer Blake Morrow's series The Beth Project features digitally paired images of his friend Beth before and after losing 150 pounds. The series not only highlights the drastic change in...

Calligrapher Perfectly Draws Famous Brand Logos with Pens

Seb Lester is so good that he makes it look easy. He says, “I find the Latin alphabet to be one of mankind's most beautiful and profound creations.” He expresses this appreciation through typographical art. W...

Attention Bookworms: Mini Book Necklaces

Always got your nose stuck in a book?  Well, Barcelona artist and songwriter Violeta Hernando makes it easy for you to show your pride for the printed word with her Mini Book Necklaces*/strong...

Confusing Things About British Homes

[]YouTube LinkNew Anglophenia host Kate Arnell takes the reins from Siobhan Thompson in episode 28. Here the show topic is the British home, and the ways in which it typically...

Hostage Sends Message via Pizza Hut Order

Cheryl Treadway was at home Monday with her youngest child and her boyfriend Ethan Nickerson. Nickerson took Treadway’s cell phone and went with her to pick up her two older children. He had a knife and threatened...

Twenty Facts About the Muppets

[]YouTube LinkElliott of Mental Floss focuses on Muppets facts in this video starring Kermit and the ever humble Miss Piggy. Statler, Waldorf and the lovable Animal make appea...

The Shoeboxus parade

The relatively new New Orleans Krewe of Chewbacchus has sci-fi events outside of Carnival season, too. For Star Wars day on Monday, they staged a parade. This one was called Shoeboxus.Often the landscape of Mardi Gras is...

Hiding Peach Bottom Kobito

Redditor nerdlygames had no idea what this thing is, but had to buy it. Others introduced him to Kobitos, a line of Japanese toy characters. This character is Hiding Peach Bottom Kobitos, who lives in pe...

Shetland Pony Race

[] (YouTube link)Watch this adorable Shetland Pony race at Bath Racecourse! What the ponies lack in stride, they make up in heart. And you know they have to take way more steps to get to the f...

Out Crazing Crazy - Limited Edition X-Men Variant

Out Crazing Crazy (limited edition X-Men variant) by The StaziacThe idea of some joker using cheap gadgets and stinky gas to make an entire city laugh themselves to death really got under Wade's skin, and seeing as how...

The Time the Allies Tried to Disarm Hitler With Female Sex Hormones

Did you hear the one about the plot to sneak estrogen into Hitler’s carrots? It sounds like the setup for a joke, but the Allies really tried this one out.A study at the time by the U.S. Office of Strategic Service...

Cat Attacks Mirror

[] (YouTube link)A cat named Lincoln isn’t putting up with any feline intruders, even if it is his own reflection in a mirror! And he’s not giving up just because the glass stopped...

This Man is Brewing Coffee on Sand

[](Video Link)This video shows a street vendor in Aqaba, Jordan. The brewer has a pan of sand over a gas burner. The hot sand evenly distributes heat over the cups. When he pres...

Sylvester Stallone's First Film: The Party at Kitty and Stud's

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.The year was 1970 and a young, unknown, 23-year-old actor named Sylvest...

Chocolate-Covered Tequila-Filled Jalapeño Peppers

(Photo: 7 Deadly)The Chocolate Covered Company covers things in chocolate, then sells them. That’s a great business premise! Everything is better when drenched in chocolate. I’ve never had chocolate covered j...

Cats Opening Fridges

[]YouTube LinkThe felines shown in this compilation have figured out how to penetrate the barrier between them and tasty treats. Knowledge is power, and a cat with power is &m...

BB-8 Droid Nails

BB-8 is the name of the spherical droid that appears in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Ever since it first appeared on screen for a couple seconds in an early trailer, fans have been fascinated by it.You can coun...


As soon as people cross that line into adulthood, they are met with the slow bombardment of signs telling them that being an adult isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Suddenly your bills aren't paid unless you pay them...

Adorable Hand-Drawn Flipbook Illustrates a Couple’s Love Story

[] (Video Link)Ben Zurawski is a collector of flipbooks and flipbook artist for people who want a tangible, animated story of important parts of their lives. Sometimes peop...

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