Dominik M. Schwarz has always been fascinated with maps. He's also traveled a lot, and he wanted a big world map -the size of an entire wall, with detailed information and place names. Like many of us, he wanted to stick pins in the places he'd been. He couldn’t find the map he wanted for sale, so he made his own!
That doesn’t mean the process was easy. There’s the data collection, the image stitching, testing it on the wall, finding a printer for such a large one-off project, mounting the map, attaching it to the wall, and finding the perfect pins. Every step was more complicated than you’d think, and there were many ideas discarded along the way. Schwarz spent a year and a half on the project, and posted each step with pictures. He’s quite happy with the results. -via Metafilter
I have a 8x13ft world map on my home office wall. I bought it on the internet et glued it with wallpaperglue. Overall time was 1 hour.... :p
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