Brisbane, Australia-based photographer Serenah Hodson captured her delightful series, aptly named "Dry Dog Wet Dog," in the most likely circumstance that a dog will throw anyone the Stink Eye. Not only are these normally fluffily coiffed pups all wet, but some of them appear to be a little miffed. And why not? To think that any human would interfere with their ripe doggy scent by giving them a bath, only then to make them sit still for a camera shoot? The incredible nerve! Hodson says of her series,
"Dry Dog Wet Dog came about with washing my own dogs. Their personalities change when they know it's bath time. So I decided to create a series of the different looks and not only personalities but the difference in look from groomed to wet. We get such great texture on the dog when the hair is wet. Some dogs look completely different when wet and this was the joy I wanted to capture."
See more of Serenah Hodson's adorable series here, and visit her website and Facebook page to follow her award-winning work.
Images: Serenah Hodson
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