30 Days Without Sugar

(YouTube link)

Three people take the challenge to give up sugar for a month -which also includes giving up artificial sweeteners and honey. These are folks who drank soda all day, so it was not easy, but it was a life-changing experience. Do you think you could survive a month without sugar?

My daughter went on the Daniel fast a couple of years ago, which was three weeks of no sugar, meat, dairy, fried food, or processed grains. It was difficult shopping for such a diet, because when you read ingredients, everything in the store has added sugar! Even in the health food section, you see “dehydrated organic cane syrup,” which is a euphemism for sugar. I still don’t understand why a can of kidney beans has sugar in it. But she managed it, and learned to love a variety of fruits and vegetables along the way (she learned to cook, too). Two years later, she still eats healthily, and I keep a never-ending seasonal fruit bowl for the whole family to enjoy.

-via Buzzfeed

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Too much of anything is bad. Sugar is essential to life. Your body breaks down complex carbohydrates into sugar because that's what makes your cells work. Don't eat too much and don't worry about sugar.
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That's a good point. The problem is not that sugar is all that bad in itself -the problem is how much we consume because we are just used to it. When you eat something all day, every day, it ceases to be a treat.
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I think some such diets get a bit misleading, especially as this keeps getting abbreviated from "no added sugar" to "no sugar." It is a great idea if you find you have a dependence on sweets, or are not very good at paying attention to what you actually eat, and I've certainly agree that shifting the balance of where a person's calories come from can make it easier to eat less.

But it also risk being penny wise and pound foolish. There isn't much need to worry about a small amount of sugar added to canned food (it is there often as a preservative, to cut down on the amount salt used as more people watch sodium intake). Or worrying about if a small amount of sugar was added to your mixed drink, when the alcohol probably has far more calories in it. And at the same time, I've know a couple people who drink so much juice, they are drinking more sugar daily than I got from soda as a teenager. Or some who eat large amounts of pasta and bread without much else balance things out or help cut back proportions.
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