Archive for April 24th, 2015

Chinese Government Cracking Down on Funeral Strippers

The Chinese Ministry of Culture announced Thursday that the government and police will join forces to stop the popular practice of hiring strippers for funerals to entice more mourners to attend. After pictures circ...

The Average Day over Time

(John Atkinson/Wrong Hands)Cartoonist John Atkinson has a theme: he creates charts showing how things change over time, such as the typical song, the typical movie, and the typical TV show. His most rece...

Owl Dances on Guy’s Head

[] (YouTube link)An eagle owl in Noordeinde, the Netherlands, swoops down and lands on a guy’s head. He must not know the guy, or else why would he be constantly asking, “Who?&rdqu...

Samurai Wars- Use The Force, Zatoichi!

Samurai Wars by Kinda CreativeEveryone is waiting for the triumphant return of their favorite sci-fi franchise on the big screen, but fans might be disappointed if they see samurai swords instead of light sabers. We all...

Hold the Mayo: The Burger Babe Bow

Texas crafter Kim Mills of the HappyMillsShop has crafted the Burger Babe Bow, a plush hair bow that looks a cheeseburger. Tasty! It features:...felt tomatoes with painted seed details, gathered satin ribbon le...

Too Many Kings—A Game of Thrones Parody of Too Many Cooks

Too Many Cooks is a brilliantly innovative short film by Casper Kelly of Adult Swim. It starts out as a perfect parody of 80s sitcom introductions. Then it gets weird. Then it gets dark. It’s perfect and y...

Woman Builds Tiny 186-Square-Foot House to Avoid High Cost of Housing

Isabella Mori, 50, is a resident of Vancouver, Canada, and she found the price of housing in her home town overwhelming. Unsurprising, since Vancouver has the second most unaffordable housing in the world. Her...

When Peanuts Travels to Westeros, We All Win

Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Woodstock and the rest of the Peanuts gang might be have some humorous adventures in their ordinary suburban life, but in Westeros, no one is safe from death. Artist Philip Horoton has made a few g...

What Aussies Know About America

Buzzfeed had Australians fill out a little quiz about America. We can’t expect people from other countries to know all the stuff about the U.S.A. that we know, but the Aussies did their best. When they couldn&rsquo...

Baby Madison Likes the Dark Side

[]YouTube LinkNew father Buddy Crotty is already aware that the dark side of the force is strong with his baby Madison. No mantra nor rallying cry of the rebel alliance will c...

Ogling the Eye Candy at the Beach

(Up and Out/Jeremy Kaye)My eyes are up here, Ariel. I'm more than just a pair of luscious, muscular thighs that provide terrestrial locomotion. I have a mind. I can be a part of your world if you'll have...

What if Man of Steel was IN COLOR?

[] (YouTube link)The 2013 Superman movie Man of Steel was in color, alright, but it was muted and dark, trying to emulate the look of The Dark Knight. But what works for Batm...

Bigfoot Bundt Cake

Big news! Bigfoot has been found...inside a bundt cake! Jenn Fujikawa over at Nerdist used a Bigfoot cookie cutter to make him appear inside this tasty treat.  Sasquatch. Yeti. Bigfoot. He goes by...

Gorgeous Glass by Niyoko Ikuta

These beautiful glassworks by Japanese artist Niyoko Ikuta play with the qualities of glass creatively mixed with geometric forms. Ikuta is recognized worldwide as a master of glass art and has collectors acros...

Enter The Defenders - Superheroic Street Sweepers

Enter The Defenders by BadEyeThe streets of Hell's Kitchen have been running red for decades, but those who call the neighborhood home are tired of standing by and watching the man they call Kingpin turn their hood into...

Hilarious Outtakes from Some of the Best Sci Fi Shows

(Video Link)Sci fi shows occassionally have levity, but they need to have believable drama or else they don't work. While that makes for great film and television, it doesn't give fans the best insight on how their favor...

Foods That are Great on the Grill

Grilled BBQ Chicken Quesadillas | Image and Recipe: The Chic SiteThose who like to cook know that high heat can make for wonderful delights, such as all things carmelized. When some foods are placed on the grill...

Proposal: Give College Students the Power to Fire Professors

(Photo: Kevin Dooley)During the Fifth Century B.C., Athenians engaged in the usual practice of ostracism. Once a year, they took a popular vote. The person with the most votes was banished from the city. Ideally, this wo...

90-year-old Pilot Still Going Strong

Photo: Caters News Agency / Caters News Facebook page Paddy Elliot of Birmingham, UK, recently celebrated his 90th birthday, and also his medical certification to continue flying his plane! He’s been a pilot for de...

Conjure Up Some Geeky Fun With These 30 Magic Themed T-Shirts & Win A Tee!

Magic- a simple word that conjures up images of wizards in pointy hats casting spells, and stage magicians who take off their top hat to reveal they've had a rabbit under there the whole time! Those who love magic know...

Fifteen Facts About A Clockwork Orange

Remember the disabled writer, F. Alexander, who lives at HOME in A Clockwork Orange? In a later scene with him, his musclebound assistant Julian is played by Darth Vader himself David Prowse, who was at the...

Presidents Removed From Their Coins

This is fun. The tiny heads of American presidents have been cut out of their coins (oops, Jefferson lost his phony tail in the process!). The cut coins are the handiwork of a friend of Imgur user pfefferminzet...

Downton Abbey/Star Wars Fan Film Made by Downton Abbey Actors

Rob James-Collier is the actor who plays Thomas Barrow on Downton Abbey. James-Collier plays an evil butler, but he's a nice guy. He's raising money for children with multiple sclerosis. To encourage donations,...

Just Say "No" To These Terrible Wedding Proposals

There are a million reasons why putting a ring in your prospective fiance's food is a terrible idea, but when you can't even be bothered to sneak the thing into something a little more classy than a budget chicken sandwi...

Guy Flips off Monkey and Gets His

[]YouTube LinkWhen a young man impulsively flips off a rhesus macaque monkey, the monkey doesn't take it lightly. In fact, he jumps the guy, apparently just to let him know th...

GrumPikachu - Gotta Catch A No

GrumPikachu by Mdk7Most pocket monsters get used to battling in arenas and being cooped up in a ball as their masters travel between towns, but not Grumpikachu. That grumpy little lightning cat just can't seem to get use...

8 Stunning Examples of Architecture Porn

There are a lot of amazing houses out there, but it takes something seriously special to mesmerize viewers. These beautiful examples of architecture porn are hard to take your eyes off of and we've collected multipl...

13 Secrets of Ice Cream Science

(Image credit: Jacob Thomas)As a kid growing up in Waterbury, Vermont, Kirsten Schimoler was a regular on the Ben & Jerry’s factory tour. Now, after getting a food science degree from Cornell University, she&...

Dog Plays Patty Cake

This dog loves to play the children’s game of patty cake. Or she loves the treats that she gets after a game. But, hey, athletes deserve to be compensated, right? And this yellow lab plays to win.[https://www.youtu...

Would You Eat At These Totally Insane Restaurants?

You know what really stimulates the appetite? Prison -or at least it must be given that there are at least two different prison-themed restaurants, one in China and one in Italy.Not a big fan of prison food? How about a...


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