Temporarily Banned Episodes of Popular TV Shows

With over 170 episodes, it's understandable that some fans haven't seen all the episodes of Seinfeld no matter how many times they've been syndicated since their original air date. If you've never seen "The Puerto Rican Day" though, you might have missed it due to censorship. In fact, due to complaints about negative portrayals of Puerto Ricans and a burning Puerto Rican flag, the episode was banned completely between its original air date in 1999 and 2002. Even now though, some stations who syndicate the show won't touch it.

And that Seinfeld episode is only one of 27 episodes from popular TV shows that were banned temporarily for one reason or another. Perhaps the strangest of all was the Peppa Pig episode that shows kids that spiders are our friends. It was banned in Australia because the deadly spiders there are most certainly not your friend.

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Indeed! Sadly, I must have missed that episode in my youth.

I thought for sure you were conflating it with that episode of Robotech in which Minmei is taking an impromptu shower in the bowels of the SDF-1.
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I'm not surprised about the anime references. Some stuff like the topless scene in Voltron gets into kids' TV in Japan that could never make it here in the US.

I didn't know about the Buffy episode. It sounds like a lot of these censors needed to find hobbies to keep themselves occupied.
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'We bought you a kevlar armored backpack to take to school, and did you use it properly? - no!!! When you get out of this ICU, we're going to wheel you into the kitchen and have a serious talk about your lack of gratitude... and poor crouching technique!'
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