Lucca's Robo Repair by Coinbox Tees
Is your R-series Prometheus Robo on the fritz? Need someone to gently coax that mechanical heap back to life so you and your robot pal can save the planet? Then you need to pay a visit to Lucca's Robo Repair, where mechanical beings are given a new lease on life and a shiny new set of spark plugs to boot! Lucca has been repairing Robo units since she was a little girl, and she'll be busy keeping our mechanical teammates up and running until the end of time. So remember- if someone pulled a trigger on your robot and you're low on gold visit Lucca's Robo Repair, and tell her Crono sent ya!
Keep your geeky wardrobe in tip top shape with this Lucca's Robo Repair t-shirt by Coinbox Tees, featuring a classic design your fellow old school RPG heads will love!
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