Archive for April 10th, 2015

Cop Delivers Epic Burn to Flirtatious Driver

The woman drove right through a stop sign. Perhaps she thought that she could escape a ticket by flirting with the police office. He shut her down promptly. You can see the encounter at the 1:52 mark in the video below.[...

Instagram Accounts That Make People Want to Drop Everything and Travel the World

Images from @ChrisBurkard, who specializes in landscape and surf photographySome people have a permanent case of wanderlust, and need no motivatiing factors in order to make frequent travel plans. Others ne...

Men are More Likely Than Women to Travel Back in Time to Kill Hitler

NPR lays out the scenario:You find a time machine and travel to 1920. A young Austrian artist and war veteran named Adolf Hitler is staying in the hotel room next to yours. The doors aren't locked, so yo...

Protective Puppy Refuses to Fall Asleep While Guarding Infan...zzz

[]YouTube LinkA puppy stands guard next to his tiny, sleeping human, seemingly averse to falling asleep during guard duty. Yet his eyelids grow droopy. The warmth and comfort...

Doctor Powers - The Strangest Incarnation Of Them All!

Doctor Powers by SaqmanAustin was feeling totally groovy after defeating the nefarious Nude Noodler, and his after mission party was in full swing when something came crashing through his roof. It looked like an ordinar...

How to Make Bacon-Fried Oreos

Amy of the food blog Oh, Bite It! has a knack for making the most simultaneously delicious and disturbing foods available.Her reasoning for her most recent creation is excellent: bacon is great. Oreo cookies are great. *...

Letters of Complaint to the FCC About SNL

Image: NBCThe United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) "regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable." Less so than in the years bef...

Could You Fart Your Way to the Moon?

[] (YouTube link)You might have actually asked yourself this question before, especially after seeing Sandra Bullock propelling herself through space with a fire extinguisher in the movie ...

Let’s Play Breakfast Jenga!

Start by pulling one of the fries out without toppling the entire structure over. Or go ahead and collapse the skyscraper of breakfast love. There’s no way to lose! Josh Elkin of Epic Meal Time made this to...

Star Wars: Invasion Los Angeles

[] (YouTube link)In 2008, we saw how it would look if the Imperial Fleet from Star Wars invaded San Francisco. Now Kaipotainment shows us what it would look like in Los Angeles. Did y...

An In-depth Interview With George R.R. Martin Regarding A Song of Ice and Fire

i09 conducted a detailed and interesting interview with George R.R. Martin concerning his A Song of Ice and Fire book series. Here is an excerpt:"Q. Are there scenes in the Song of...

10 Husbands in One State

A New York woman was caught marrying ten different husbands in eleven years without divorcing any of them. Liana Barrientos began her serial wedding spree in 1999, when she married for the first time. After that, the mar...

Watch This Fennec Fox Flip Out Over A Reunion With His Best Friend

(Video Link)Little Rupert was taken in by the International Primate Rescue when he was just four weeks old. It was there that he met his best friend, a big, fluffy cat named William. He was later seperated from William s...

The Crane that Fell in Love with Her Zookeeper

Walnut is a white-naped crane, a highly endangered species. She is part of a “security population” of breeding cranes in captivity to keep crane genetics in existence if the wild population fails. But Walnut...

The Game of Thrones Recap You Never Knew You Wanted

(Video Link)Warning: The video has language that's NSF and, obviously, spoilersGame of Thrones is returning on Sunday and just because Key & Peele are on vacation doesn't me...

Disassembled - Superheroic Skulls

Disassembled by Matt ParsonsDeath comes to us all, and even Earth's mightiest heroes will one day come face to face with the Reaper, and their superheroic forms will be reduced to nothing but bones. Being an Avenger doe...

Goat Prefers the Lights On

Coleg Cambria’s Northop campus in Wales has a policy to turn off lights to save energy. But the lights were reported on after hours frequently at the goat barn. The staff all swore that they turn the lights off eve...

30 LOL Worthy T-Shirts Sure To Spread Smiles Wherever You Go!

Fans of funny t-shirts know the power they possess- the power to make people smile, laugh out loud even, and that is one mighty friendly power to have on your side! Luckily the NeatoShop is all about em...

Why Nearly 100 Food Corporations are Going Cage-Free

When you think of an animal advocacy group trying to eliminate factory farming practices, you probably think of PETA. While the radical group gets more press, and has had some successes over time, the Humane Society of t...

14 Things to Keep In Mind During Spring Cleaning

Have you gotten around to spring cleaning this year? It's understanding if you haven't -after all, it can be a little intimidating. That's why we created some simple ways to clean your house this spring that will make a...

The World's Largest Family Reunion

Thanks to new geneological technology, we'll soon be able to see exactly how all 7 billion people on earth are related. Save the date for the world's largest family reunion! By A.J. JacobsSome...

A Throne of Dandelions

An unknown street artist in Munich, Germany left a carefully-woven treasure for the next tired soul to sit down. Street Art Germany says that it hearkens new life: “Spring is here!”-via Colossalflowers, stree...

Jessica Alba's Side Business Made Over $150 Million Last Year

Image: Gage SkidmoreActress Jessica Alba doesn't have to worry about how she will make money if acting jobs cease to be offered to her. In 2011, Alba co-founded The Honest Company, which sells non...

There Was a Bowling Alley in Antarctica

(Photo: US Antarctic Program)In 1961, the US Navy built a 2-lane bowling alley at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica. The blogger Sandwichgirl used to live there (she actually got married at McMurdo)....

Dad Shows Daughter a Magic Trick

[] (YouTube link)Eric Mccowan’s teenage daughter thinks she knows it all, as teenagers do. She even claimed to have watched every video on the internet. Dad thinks she may have missed a...

Rotary Jail Cells

(Photo: Martin Konapacki)Pictured above is a cell from the old jail of Pottawattamie County, Iowa. It was used from 1885 through 1969. It’s one of three jails in the world with a unique design: rotating cel...

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