The next installment of the abomination that is Sharknado will hit TVs in July of 2015, and the title of the movie is Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! Which is exactly what film and TV critics thought when they heard The Asylum was going to produce another sequel. Tara Reid will once again star, with the Jedward twins and David Hasselhoff joining the cast for this go-round.
It will also feature a number of guest stars including Ann Coulter as the Vice President, Jerry Springer as a tourist and WWE’s Chris Jericho, who is set to play a roller coaster ride operator.
The latest film sees the sharks take a bite out of the East Coast when the sharknado hits Washington, D.C. and Orlando, Florida.
But the poster pretty much says it all. Look for the movie on SyFy. -via Geeks Are Sexy
(Image credit: The Asylum)