Peel off the Entire Shell of a Hard Boiled Egg Within Seconds

On a recent Neatorama post about deviled eggs, a reader mentioned in the comments that he was never able to master getting the eggs peeled so that the white was still relatively in one piece. He's certainly not alone. Sometimes even employing the best advice about soaking them in cold water or making sure they aren't too fresh from the store doesn't quite work for every egg. 

This video makes peeling an egg in an instant look like a snap, and while I haven't tested the method, many commenters on the YouTube video page are reporting back after using the trick and saying it worked for them. It's worth a try. I believe I'll give this a shot tomorrow. I'll leave a comment here as to whether it worked for me. 

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You never know online. The number of turkey cooking horror stories I've heard or bad reviews I've seen about things bagged vacuums not working well without bags, there are few surprises left with how simple things can be messed up.

Besides, it does depend if you depend whether you cook the egg or not, as the instructions for peeling uncooked eggs are slightly different.
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It is rare I disagree with Cook's illustrated, and steaming is the first thing I think of for soft boiled eggs. I haven't tried it in a long time for hard boiled eggs, and issues with it in the past for me might have been having used to use larger eggs.

Although their aside about energy density of steam vs. water was kind of irrelevant, as that is the per mass energy density and the eggs are in contact with much more water by mass than steam. The near constant temperature due to quick return to boiling is much more appropriate description.
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