Did you know yesterday was World Rat Day? I sure didn't but I'm glad that I found out even if it was a little late. So what is World Rat Day and why do rats need their own holiday?
Because rats get a bum rap, but they actually make pretty great pets. Rats are smart, friendly and surprisingly cuddly. World Rat Day aims to educate people about rat ownership and to help spread the good word about these adorable little friends.
To celebrate World Rat Day, Bored Panda started an open list of adorable rat pictures. It started with 18, but since they allowed users to submit their own, there are now over 150. Even if you missed the big day, you can still enjoy these precious pics.
Comments (2)
As in, it's okay to disapprove of the invention of birth control?!
I didn't know that they gave PhDs in 50s television. Did she do her dissertation on The Donna Reed Show?
Her PhD was finished by the time I was 7 years old, but if the pill hadn't held off my birth and then my brother's birth, she said that it never would have happened.
The pill is a good way to control when you get pregnant. Can't say it's been great for girls and women as a lifestyle choice, though.
Pretty much means, now, that girls start having sex at an incredibly young age and have sex with an outrageous number of men by the time they decide to settle down.
Can't see how having more lovers than you can count on one hand (or two) is a good thing.
In any day and age.
I think the pill will have had (a lot of) influence, but also a lot in other areas than strictly the pregnancy control- Lots of females I know use the pill as a way to control, manage and time their period and the moodswings and bellyhurts that accompany that. They still not go all-out in sexual activity, but they use it to just have easier lives as it comes to being able to participate in activities that otherwise would be hindered by their monthly inconveniences. So in that respect I do see that the pill can be great as a lifestyle choice.
Also, what's wrong with having lots of sexual partners? You're not instantly given a sexually transmitted infection or an unwanted pregnancy after you've had a certain number of partners. As long as people practice safe sex, it doesn't matter how many partners someone has had.
The more the better!