Archive for March 27th, 2015

Mansion for Sale Includes This Empire Strikes Back-Themed Bedroom

Upon which I call dibs. This mansion in Westlake, California has 6 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms within its 15,835 square feet. There’s also a tennis court and a pool. The interior rooms, beyond the one designed to loo...

French Bulldog Takes Things into His Own Paws When Left in the Car

[]YouTube LinkThis Frenchie from Eureka, California is obviously not a fan of being left alone in the car. He's bored and wants his human to get a move on. Thus, as he can't h...

Pixel Paradox - The Future Looks An Awful Lot Like The Past...

Pixel Paradox by HopographyMarty's life was starting to feel like a waking dream, and the years he'd spent traveling through time were starting to mess with his head...and his eyesight. He began to see the world as a pe...

The World's Fair That Raised San Francisco From the Ashes

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, held in San Francisco. Most people just called it the World’s Fair. The purpose of the exposition was to celebrate the Panama Ca...

The Dutiful Son

(Rocky Davies)It’s always been like this. Ronald upheld the honor of the family while the Joker tore it down. Even when they were kids, it fell upon Ronald to clean up his little brother’s me...

13 Animals Grumpier Than Grumpy Cat

Some animals, like the Quokkas and red pandas, couldn't look grumpy if they tried. While we love them for making us smile, sometimes you need a Grumpy Cat to remind you that everyone has bad days and only idiots smi...

This Pepperoni-Covered Corvette Is the Ultimate Pizza Delivery Vehicle

(Photo: Jenn Harris/Los Angeles Times)PizzaMan Dan’s is a pizzeria chain in southern California. The owner, Dan Collier, gets around in this custom classic Corvette. That’s a pe...

Arguing with a Husky

[] (YouTube link)He says, “So my husky stole my dad's potato skin off his plate. This was the ensuing argument.” Both Dads and Huskys are extremely verbal, so many words flew back...

A Collection of Business Cards That Lend Insight Into Their Famous Holders

It's interesting what we can glean about people by certain choices they make. In the case of this business card collection, we can see who (at least, at the time in which they carried the card shown) is into si...

100 Years of Fitness in 100 Seconds

[] (YouTube link)The way women have tried to stay fit sure has changed in the last 100 years. One thing you must remember is that the first couple of decades in this video were the days that w...

Say "Hello" to the World's Most Photographed Tarantula

Pandora is a tarantula. She is also a model. Those two factors aren't coincidence. Pandora's owner was once afraid of spiders but eventually not only overcame her fear, but also came to love the creatures and adopt dozen...

Rabbit King Munches on His Iron Throne

Aegon Targaryen--Aegon the Fluffy, the call him--subdued all the warrens of Westeros. Then all of the Chief Rabbits of the land surrendered their carrots. He used them to erect the enormous Carrot Throne.Wallace the rabb...

14 Things You Might Not Know About Se7en

Brad Pitt went through the wringer during the filming of David Fincher's 1995 crime drama Se7en, in more ways than one. While filming a scene in which his character gives chase to a suspect in the...

Desolation - Dragons Don't Fight Fair

Desolation by RoxorsoxoffThe time for sneaking and hiding in the shadows is over, now it's time for humans, dwarves and halflings to stand together and prepare for kombat! There's a smog cloud staining the air, and a mi...

There Goes the Bus

[] (YouTube link)When they said, “The bus is lost,” that didn’t mean the driver took a wrong turn. Heavy rains have left Brazil with massive drainage problems and flooding. O...

Everyone Needs A Hair Octopus

John has previously shown us what happens when we turn hair into horses, but what happens when you top it with an octopus? Amazingness. Yes, that's right. Amazingness is what happens when you top your hair with a fancy f...

It’s So Relaxing to Watch This Capybara and Ducklings Take a Bath

[] (Video Link)JoeJoe the capybara lives like a human household pet. He even rides through pet stores in a shopping cart. He epitomizes the chill lifestyle. This is well-demonst...

100 Behind-the-Scenes Movie Set Shots

Jaws, 1975Imgur user joinyouinthesun uploaded a treasure trove of 100 behind-the-scenes film set images that make for a killer collection. The photos show actors and sets from 1931 to 2012, from the ea...

An Embarrassing Moment at a Press Conference

[] (YouTube link)Nigel Hayes of the Wisconsin Badgers is a 6’7” elite basketball player, but you have to remember that he’s also a 20-year-old college student. During a press...

12 Great Easter Crafts You Can Do With Your Kiddos

Easter Sunday is almost here and that means it's time to get decorating. While we covered some easy and classy decorations on Homes and Hues last year, that article overlooked one of the greatest parts of the holiday -sp...

Better Off Dead: 7 People Whose Death Notices Improved Their Lives

(Image credit: Flickr user Great Beyond)1. Betty RobinsonAt the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, Betty Robinson, a 16-year-old student from Riverdale, Ill., won a gold medal in the 100-meter dash and a silver medal as...

Dogs Look Surprisingly Beautiful With Hair Buns

As someone with hair down to her waist, I pretty much live with my hair in a bun. That being said, I don't think I could ever even begin to compete with the gorgeous hairstyles on these precious pups -particularly t...

How to Wash Your Bald Head in Space

[] (Video Link)Either Nature has blessed you with an unadorned head or you have removed those unsightly follicles from your pate. No matter how you came to live the bald lifesty...

The Worst of Two Worlds

Graphic designer Ben Harmon did something that shouldn’t ever have been done. He created a new font that integrates the worst features of the worst fonts: Comic Sans and Papyrus. Behold, Comic Papyrus! */st...

Chief Boyardee - Bullets And Beef-A-Roni

Chief Boyardee by Dan CapituminiMaster Chief grew tired of all the killing and planet hopping, so he decided to reexplore one of his interests from his pre-Spartan days- cooking. He took some time off and started develo...

Ten Astounding Abilities from Rare Medical Conditions

[]YouTube LinkThe article linked below features ten cases in which people, due to strange and rare medical conditions, have abilities unlike those of the general population. T...

Deep Fried Nachos on a Stick

(Photo: ESPN)In the United States, professional sports are highly competitive. But designing the foods served at games may be even more competitive. Stadiums and ballparks across the country strive to offer extreme, one-...

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