Neighborhood In Akron, Ohio Plagued By Public Pooper

The Castle Homes neighborhood in Akron, Ohio is currently in the midst of a crapstorm- a serial crapper has been leaving steaming piles of hatred on parked cars and, in at least one incident, on toys left in the front yard.

The man is currently wanted for 19 different illegal dumps in Castle Homes, but Akron police believe he may be responsible for dropping over one hundred smelly deposits in the last two years.

Thanks to a time lapse camera set up by a resident whose car has repeatedly fallen victim to the serial pooper we now have a face to match the feces:

(Image Link)

If you know this man you probably won't admit it, but for the sake of decency call the Akron Police and help them bring this crappy citizen to justice!

-Via Gawker

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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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