Mmm ... Pi T-Shirt over at the NeatoShop | More Pi Day T-Shirts and Math T-Shirts
Nevermind the anti-Pi Day-ers! Here comes Epic Pi Day!
Today is not only Pi Day (3/14) - to people in the world who keep the calendar in the slightly illogical* month/day/year format (USA! USA!) - but it's also Epic Pi Day (3/14/15) that comes only once in every century. Today at 9:26:53 am**, it's an even grander moment commemorating the first 10 digits of pi.
We held a Pi Day giveaway last week on Neatorama, and today we reveal the lucky winners: Neatoramanauts MarshaBB and Rahat A. won this round. If you didn't win, take heart - you'll have more chances to win at our next giveaway. It'll be exclusive to NeatoMail subscribers, so don't forget to subscribe! (Don't worry - We won't share your email address)
*Sorry the rest of the world: your logical day/month/year format means no Pi Day. There's no 31st day of April, nor is there the 14th month of the year. Hah! So take that, logic!
**Also the post time of this post. W00t!